Meet Shawna Lundry
Shawna Lundry is a wife, mother to 6 wonderful children, grandmother to 4 amazing grandkiddos, and small business owner. Shawna volunteers her time on the Sandy Mountain Festival board and coached girls’ youth softball for many years. Shawna served as a police officer and detective for 16 years, assigned to the Wasco County Major Crimes team putting away some of society’s most violent offenders, and as a narcotics investigator while serving on the Mid-Columbia Interagency Narcotics Taskforce (MINT). As a small business owner now, she is an active member of the Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce. Shawna has a passion for public safety, fiscal responsibility, accountability, transparency, and ensuring the voice of the whole community is represented in the critical decision making that goes on within city government.
Shawna will be the first to tell you she is no politician. She has never wanted to be involved in government until directly experiencing the need for change firsthand. Shawna has seen how citizens have been impacted by a city council that doesn’t listen to constituents’ wishes related to significant decisions. As a small business owner and taxpayer, Shawna feels the same strain on limited budgets both personally and professionally as the current council continues to raise rates without any concerns for your ability to pay. A council who spends money on projects and drains funding sources then votes to force impacted property owners to foot the bill on these poor decisions. This is unacceptable and must stop! These inequities that Shawna has witnessed and experienced have been a personal call to action.
As a lifelong servant to the public, Shawna feels obligated to stand up for you as a true voice of the people. To be a city councilor who will listen to the community and business owners in seeking the most cost-effective solutions collaboratively. Shawna will always consider how her decisions will impact you and your family, regardless of political pressures, bias, or agendas. Shawna knows that she doesn’t always have the best ideas or answers as it takes the input of the entire community to understand your needs and wishes. Shawna believes it is time for the politicians to stand aside and allow our community to effectively govern in the way that they believe is best for Sandy’s future. A vote for Shawna Lundry is a vote for strong leadership, support for our hard-working public servants, small town values, fiscal responsibility, and the return of your voice to critical city government decisions.