Why Laurie Smallwood for Mayor of Sandy?
A proven leader, known for asking the hard questions. Laurie is the forward thinking, “what’s good for the future?” not only “what’s good for now?” choice.
About Laurie…
Laurie’s been a part of the Sandy community since her family moved here in 1985.
Proven leadership, on and off the job….Laurie’s worked as a Firefighter Paramedic with Sandy Fire (recently promoted to Emergency Medical Services Officer with Clackamas Fire since the departments merged), for 16 years (17.5 years combined in fire services). She has served on the City of Sandy’s Council for 6 years, and the past 2 years as Council President. Laurie is a strong representative for the people of Sandy, and is not afraid to be the voice of dissent when the rest of the crowd is going a different direction.
Laurie earned a Master’s degree in Leadership and believes the entire community is enhanced by working together to reach better education standards.
In addition to her City Council role, she has served on the Council’s Budget Committee, thoroughly understanding the need for fiscal responsibility and government accountability.
Your voice matters. Laurie is listening.
You can make a difference! Here’s how you can help… this is a true grassroots campaign and that means we need you! Please ‘like’ and share our social media posts, talk to your neighbors, put a sign in your yard, and consider donating if you’re able.
Your support is deeply appreciated!
Campaign Priorities
To empower the community to work together through transparency and collaboration, fostering growth while preserving our town's unique character.
To prioritize infrastructure improvements, support local businesses, and enhance public services to create a thriving, welcoming, and sustainable environment for all residents.